国际学生 & 求职者

国际学生 & 求职者

If you plan to seek CPT through the 云顶集团, read this: 

Verify that you meet the requirements for 学生参加CPT考试的资格 与 国际学生服务办公室


Ensure that you have employment permission. 参观 国际学生服务 了解更多信息. 


  • 提前计划: As an international student you face certain challenges and restrictions regarding 美国.S. 找工作. Beg在你的搜索中 early - at least a year in advance of your 毕业日期.
  • 了解规章制度: Understand the visa process, deadlines, costs, length of process, and which companies hire international students and graduates.
  • 沟通清楚: 沟通技巧非常重要. Use every possible opportunity to strengthen your command of spoken and written English. 你的简历和领英账号也应该如此 反映无错误、引人注目的内容.
  • 明智地使用资源: Attend on-campus events (job fairs, lectures, recruiting events), join on- and off-campus professional organizations, and meet with staff to build relationships.
  • 了解自己的优势: Know your unique assets and academic training, and focus on employers that have a 对所有这些优势的强烈需求.
  • 网络: Networking is even more important for the international student than for a U.S. 公民. By networking we simply mean systematically making personal, written, or telephone contacts with relatives, friends, and alumni in 美国nited States and back home who 也许能帮你找. Each person whom you contact becomes a participant 在你的搜索中. Fellow students from abroad who have gained some experience 与 U.S. job market may be able to help you with your 搜索 for a position.
  • 寻找合适的公司: In your re搜索 and networking efforts, concentrate on employers that have connections (offices, subsidiaries, marketing teams, sales forces) to your country of origin. These companies may have an interest in you working for them in this country, or to return to your home country after initial training in 美国nited States. 除了 to the resources on campus, contact your embassy.  通常,外国大使馆认为 雇佣联系人名单. 联系他们!

寻找机会(资源) & 招聘网站): 

UD握手 - The only website that allows you to access jobs and internships from employers 谁在寻找特拉华大学的候选人.

MyVisa工作s - Information portal and online community for visa job hunters around the world. 主要 services include annual and quarterly reports for H1B Visa and Green Card, sponsor profiles, resources for job seekers (including a resume service).

H1bgrader - 搜索, Analyze H1B Sponsoring companies, salaries, approvals from millions of records from Official disclosure data by US Dept. 美国移民局劳工局. 

iHipo - For international jobs and internships (not limited to 美国.S.).


Should I list my 签证状态 on my resume?

Your 签证状态 should not be included on your resume. 你的永久地址,教育 background and work history will display that you are an international student. 招聘 managers will ask the appropriate questions during the recruitment process. 你应该 never lie about your 签证状态, but given the reservations employers have about hiring an international student, it is not to your advantage to draw attention to it.



  • What is your visa type, nationality, place of birth? 或者,你是哪个国家的 一个公民?
  • 你的母语是什么? or, What language do you most often speak?


  • Are you legally authorized to work in 美国nited States? 或者,你现在还是在 future require sponsorship for an employment visa?
  • Which languages do you read, speak or write? (前提是外语能力 与工作相关吗?

When in the hiring process do I reveal that I’m an international student?

This is a very sensitive question which needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. While some employers adhere to strict policies against hiring foreign nationals, others 可能更愿意雇佣U.S. 公民s, but can be otherwise convinced. 因此,它应该 be your goal to get passed the initial screening measures to the interview. 在 other hand, you should probably broach the subject before the employer has spent a significant amount of time and money trying to recruit you. 这通常是推荐的 that students address the issue of their work status during the first or second interview, but no later than the time of the job offer.

If a company says they don’t hire international students, should I even apply?

Sure - unless the job description specifically states that international candidates 可能不适用. A lot of times when employers say they don’t hire international students it means that they haven’t hired any international students, yet. 你可能是第一个! In order to convince these prospective employers, it is your responsibility to educate them about the process of hiring a foreign national. 请注意,他们仍然有可能 not hire you, and this can become frustrating. 建议您先定位目标 organizations with a history of hiring employees on a work visa.

What can I do to make myself a more attractive candidate?

  • Have your resume and cover letters reviewed by OPCD, an employer, or alumni.
  • Become thoroughly familiar with immigration regulations and benefits attached to your 签证状态.
  • Re搜索 the employers and the positions in which you are interested.
  • 参加模拟面试.
  • Practice speaking confidently about your skills, interests and career goals.
  • Improve your English skills by speaking up in class, conversing with your advisor, 或者其他发言的机会. 同样,调整你的书面英语.