Fr. Thomas Esposito O.石棺.

Fr. Thomas Esposito, O. 石棺.

Associate Professor of 神学, Graduate Director of Master of Divinity Program

电话: (972) 721-5217


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #222

Fr. Thomas Esposito completed his doctorate in Biblical 神学 at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome.  He teaches at the 石棺ercian Preparatory School as well as the University of Dallas, offering courses in both the Old and New Testaments, Biblical Greek, and World Religions. 

The Early Church, Patristic Exegesis, New Testament Exegesis, and World Religions

S.S.D., Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome  

S.S.L., Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome
S.T.B., Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo, Rome
B.A., Philosophy, University of Dallas 

THE 1301 Understanding the Bible
THE 1312 Elementary Biblical Hebrew
THE 2311 Western Theological Traditions
THE 2313 Intermediate Biblical Hebrew
THE 3320/6320 Principles of Catholic Biblical Interpretation
THE 3321/6321 Pentateuch
THE 3322/6322  Old Testament Prophets
THE 3324/6324  Synoptic Gospels
THE 3326 Paul and Acts of the Apostles
THE 4V57 Biblical Greek
THE 4V57 Christianity Among World Religions
THE 4V57: Scripture and Geography of the Holy Land.
THE 4321/5304 Apocalyptic Literature
CLG 3334 Biblical Greek
IPS 8316 The Bible

The Roots that Clutch: 信s on the Origins of Things (Wipf and Stock: Eugene, Oregon, 2018).

Jesus' Meals with Pharisees and Their Liturgical Roots (Analecta Biblica 209) (Gregorian and Biblicum Press: Rome, 2015).

信s of Fire (St. 保罗: New York, 2015).

Denis Farkasfalvy, A Biblical Path to the Triune God: Jesus, Paul, and the Revelation of the Trinity (Verbum Domini) (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2021).

“‘Paul in Every 信 Remembers You’: The Holy 精神 and the Unity of the Church in the Post-Apostolic 信s”, Communio: International Catholic Review 48.4 (2021) 764-798.

“Prayer in the Work of the Exegete”,  Communio: International Catholic Review  49.4 (2022) 810-826.

“Echoes of Ecclesiastes in the Poetry and Plays of T.S. 艾略特。” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 24.2 (2021) 98-123.

“Prayer in the Work of the Exegete”, Communio: International Catholic Review 49.4 (2022) 810-826.

“The Gift of Conscience,” Teaching the 信仰 9.5(2020年5月).

"The Last Supper and the Lord's Supper: Paul and the Eucharist in 1 Corinthians 11", The Bible Today 57.6 (2019) 359-365.

"The Witnesses of the Resurrection:  Luke 24:1-12", in The Glenstal Companion to the Easter Vigil (ed. Martin Browne and Luke Macnamara) (Dublin: Dominican Publications, 2019) 161-170.

"Peter and Paul", in People and Places of the Roman Past:  The Educated Traveller's Guide (ed. Peter Hatlie) (Leeds: ARC Humanities Press 2019) 199-209.

"The 精神ual Experience of St. Paul in the Monastic 神学 of St. 伯纳德”, 信 & 精神 12 (2017) 143-169.

"El ministerio de la misericordia de Jesús en las comidas", Resena》 90 (2016) 21-28.

"God and the Wind in Qoheleth 3, 15", Biblische Notizen 167 (2015) 79-97.

"Re-examining Paul's Use of Ektroma in 1 Corinthians 15:8", Maynooth Theological Journal  3.1 (2013) 2-9.

"The Way from Emmaus to Us", Communio 37.1 (2010) 129-148.

“A Word to Enkindle", The Texas Catholic (2014年至今).

Reading with the Grain of Scripture. 作者:Richard B. 海斯. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2020. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, forthcoming in October 2021 issue.

Sinners and Sinfulness in Luke:  A Study of Direct and Indirect References in the Initial Episodes of Jesus' Activity. By Slawomir Szkredka (WUNT II/434) (Tübingen:  Mohr Siebeck, 2017). Catholic Biblical Quarterly 81.4 (2019) 747-748.

Devotions on the Greek New Testament: 52 Reflections to Inspire and Instruct, 卷. 2. (ed. 保罗·N. Jackson) Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2017. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 81.2 (2019) 361-362.

John: An Earth Bible Commentary: Supposing Him to be the Gardener. By Margaret Daly-Denton. London: Bloomsbury T & T·克拉克,2017. Irish Theological Quarterly 83.3 (2018) 272-274.

Jesus and the Last Supper. 布兰特·皮特著. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2015. Irish Theological Quarterly 81.4 (2016) 426-427. 

Pontifical Biblical Commission, The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture (Liturgical Press:  Collegeville, MN, 2014). * With Stephen Gregg and Fearghus O'Fearghail.